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PCB plakaren sarrera


PCB (printed circuit board), also known as printed circuit board, is one of the important components in the electronic industry. Almost every type of electronic device, from electronic watches and calculators to computers, communication electronics, and military weapon systems, requires the use of printed boards in order to electrically interconnect electronic components such as integrated circuits. The printed circuit board is composed of an insulating base plate, connecting wires, and a solder pad for assembling and welding electronic components, which has the dual function of conducting wires and insulating base plates. It can replace complex wiring and achieve electrical connections between various components in the circuit, not only simplifying the assembly and welding work of electronic products, reducing the workload of traditional wiring methods, and greatly reducing the labor intensity of workers; Moreover, it reduces the overall volume, reduces product costs, and improves the quality and reliability of electronic equipment. Printed circuit boards have good product consistency and can adopt standardized design, which is conducive to achieving mechanization and automation in the production process. At the same time, the entire assembled and debugged printed circuit board can serve as an independent spare part, facilitating the exchange and maintenance of the entire product. At present, printed circuit boards have been widely used in the production and manufacturing of electronic products.

Zirkuitu inprimatutako plaken lehen erabilera paperean oinarritutako kobrez estalitako plaka inprimatuak izan ziren. 1950eko hamarkadan transistore erdieroaleak sortu zirenetik, inprimatutako plaken eskaria nabarmen hazi da. Batez ere, zirkuitu integratuen garapen azkarrarekin eta aplikazio zabalarekin, ekipamendu elektronikoen bolumena gero eta txikiagoa da, eta zirkuituen kableatuaren dentsitatea eta zailtasuna gero eta handiagoa da, eta horrek inprimatutako plakak etengabe eguneratzea eskatzen du. Gaur egun, inprimatutako oholen barietatea panel bakarretik alde biko oholetara, geruza anitzeko oholetara eta ohol malguetara garatu da; Egitura eta kalitatea dentsitate ultra-altuko, miniaturizazioa eta fidagarritasun handikoa ere garatu dira; Diseinu-metodo berriak, diseinu-hornigaiak, taulak egiteko materialak eta taulak egiteko prozesu berriak etengabe sortzen ari dira. Azken urteotan, Zirkuitu inprimatuko plaketarako Ordenagailuz lagundutako diseinua (CAD) aplikazio software mota guztiak zabaldu dira industrian. Zirkuitu inprimatutako plaken fabrikatzaile espezializatuetan, produkzio mekanizatu eta automatizatuak eskuzko funtzionamendua guztiz ordezkatu du.

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